Need help in locating the error in my script!

Could anyone tell me what am I doing wrong here!!! and how to fix it

 var senderLoad:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
var receiveLoad:LoadVars = new LoadVars();

sender.onRelease = function () {
senderLoad.thename = thename.text;


BitmapExporter.gatewayURL = "webaddress/send.php";
BitmapExporter.addEventListener( "progress", this);

function save():Void
// Check if still an export is going on:
if (BitmapExporter.getStatus() == "idle") {

  BitmapExporter.saveBitmap(bmd, "kline.jpg", "turboscan", 0 );

receiveLoad.onLoad = function () {
if(this.sentOk) {
else {