Need help loading text - having trouble with path

I have an swf loading into a target on the main timeline and need to load text on the main timeline of the movie from a external text file. There is a button with an onRelease action within this newly loaded movie which is set to trigger this with the actions below. I am gettin “undefined” when I use LoadVars.

This text field is 2 levels deep inside of a movie clip on the main timeline.

This is the code I am using (please help me out):

audioBtn.onRelease = function(){;
loadAudio = new LoadVars();
loadAudio.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
trace(“Audio text is loaded!”);
loadAudio._level0._root.atWindow.audio_txtBox.audio_text.text = this.at_text1;


}; :-/

Needed to reference the new LoadVars object (LoadAudio) and not “this” Last line should be:

_level0._root.atWindow.audio_txtBox.audio_text.text = LoadAudio.at_text1;