Need help making XML.onLoad return a value

After using Google and these forums I’ve discovered that it’s not possible to return a value directly from this function. However, I still need some kind of workaround, so here is my scenario:

This function overrides the default onLoad function when I load up my XML. It works perfectly.

xmlContent.onLoad = function (success) {  
        if (success) {
                //trace("XML Fetch Success");
                xmlContent = xmlContent.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild;
                for (x in xmlContent.childNodes)
                    if (xmlContent.childNodes[x].nodeName == "Content")
                        sContent = xmlContent.childNodes[x].firstChild;
            sContent = "Error";            

I want to somehow use this functionality to return the value of sContent when it is loaded, so I can use the line


in conjunction with the following function

function returnContent(Nume) {



to return a string from the xml on an on load event.

I.e. -

on mouseclick, a texfield.text variable is assigned to returnContent(x);

Thanks for any help that is to follow. This is extremely desperate for a project I’m working on :frowning: