Need help on my actionscript game

I am currently in my 2nd year at uni and I have to make a game in flash using action script, I hav decided to make a space invaders type game and I am using grinch’s in stead of space ships, I have nearly completed the game apart from one part. I need the game to take the user to the game over screen when the grinch’s y coordinates are at 560, the problem that I am facing is that as soon as I start the game the user is taken to the game over screen, is there anyone that can help me? The code that I have used for this is below in bold. Thankyou to anyone who can help me. I have also included the fla file as well, the code below is in scene 2, in the controller (the black circle to the left of the canvas.

// set the initial speed of the grinchs
onClipEvent (load) {
dropdown = false;
speed = 10;
// move the grinchs
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
for (j=0; j<10; j++) {
// move horizontal
root[“grinch”+i+""+j]._x += speed;
if (root[“grinch”+i+""+j]._x<0) {
// set direction to right
speed = 10;
// drop down
dropdown = true;
if (root[“grinch”+i+""+j]._x>Stage.width) {
// set direction to left
speed = -10;
// drop down
dropdown = true;
** //sends to game over**
** if (root[“grinch”+i+""+j]._y>=560) {**
** trace(“game over”);**
** _root.gotoAndPlay(“gameOver”);**
** }**
// end for loops
// drop down all the rows
if (dropdown) {
for (var i = 0; i<3; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j<10; j++) {
root[“grinch”+i+""+j]._y += 20;
dropdown = false;