currently i doing something like 1 fla with 17 frame inside it…1st frame is just consist of a button “playrandom” and other 16 is just some graphics with a button(back).when click on “playrandom” button, it will go to random frame.(i had done this).but now the problem is, when i click “back” button go back to the 1st frame and click on the on the “playrandom” button,there is a chance i will get the same frame or duplicate random frame.what can i do to check to make sure there is no duplicate frame…
and the other problem is after all the 16 random have choose, i would like to reset the numbers.which mean u can have same frames after all the 16 frame have choose.
below is some of my codes
ran =Math.floor(Math.random()*15 +1);//0-16
gotoandplay(ran+1);//because the 1st of the 16 frame is in frame 2