Need help-res and commerc web site

I’m doing a website for a residential complexes and commercial properties company. I’m doing it for free, otherwise I would offer money for help. I need a banner to go at the top displaying the logo. The page is in a dark slate blue and a dark gray slate. Its nothing fancy. Anyway. I’m having trouble creating one. I just cannot get it to look right. I need the logo i whipped up in it somehow. I was thinking to have the sky, grass, buildings and what not. If anyone has any suggestions or wants to take a stab at it. heres 2 i whipped up and they are unfinished. I know they suck so I don’t need to hear that :). Flash would be a plus, having some type of animation. After that i need to have 2 images to seperate the commerical and residential sections of the site to display on the home page, the visitor will click one or the other depending on which section. This is only if someone is really bored! Thank you for your help!

if you have freedom to make the logo, i would try to spice that up a little first. i’d check out and get some ideas.

if you’re going to use photos across the top, i’d recommend using either one photo (like a skyline) or a hairline border around the photos. or make them flow more smoothly into each other.