I’ve created a platformer game. The problem is that sometimes my character rides to high on the platforms as well as too low. He even ends up falling through sometimes. The platforms are all in one mc. Below is the jumping and platform script.
It’s due to frame rate andf how many pixels your guy is falling… I’d suggest that when your character hits the platform… Put the character up to the right level right after that… No matter what.
TEst it… See how thick the mc is… You can do tests for this… And then test the loction of the actual MC clip… Now… You can do a test to figure out exactly how much you should displace your character from there.
Ok I did that and put in a value, but when I test it, my guy always snaps back to the original platform(the one he’s standing on in the picture) in mid jump. But I still don’t see how I would resolve the multiple high point issue. Here’s what the game looks like. As you can see It’s in one huge mc(the platforms)…so as long as I define one high point it screws me up even more
Ok Thanks I tried that and the only problem now is that the guy doesn’t fall off of a platform if I just walk off, I have to jump off for him to fall.I didn’t fall through any of the platforms though.
Ok So everything’s working great except now my guy sinks like a cm into the platforms, but the hitTest and falling is solid. I tried playing around with the values but it really didn’t change much. So how do I make sure that he is level with the platforms? Is there A value I’m forgetting to change?