ok…let’s go to the point of my problem…
i have a script like this,
// create an XML object
var doc:XML = new XML();
// create three XML nodes using createElement()
var element1:XMLNode = doc.createElement("level");
// place the new nodes into the XML tree
listenerKey.onKeyDown = function(){
//save data into variable
Rec.keycode = Key.getCode().toString();
Rec.beatTime = (getTimer() / 100).toString();
var keycode_node:XMLNode = doc.createElement("keyCode");
keycode_node.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( Rec.keycode ) );
var beatTime_node:XMLNode = doc.createElement("beatTime");
beatTime_node.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( Rec.beatTime ) );
//place data into xml tree
trace (doc);
this.button_mc.onRelease = function(){
doc.contentType = "text/xml";
its all about, i was try to make an xml object in flash, and all i want to do is send the ‘doc’ (which is xml object contained xml data) via php, (which you can see the file is write.php) and i want php to save/write it into an xml document… do you get it ?
here’s my php
//error handler function
function customError($errno, $errstr)
echo "<b>Error:</b> [$errno] $errstr";
//set error handler
//trigger error
$string = $_POST['doc'];
// declare a variable and assign the text sent to this script
$file = fopen("stage1.xml", 'w+');
// for the meaning of the second parameter check http://tr2.php.net/fopen
// but this basically opens the file if it exists or creates it. use double
// period for upper directories like "../somefile.txt'
$write = fwrite($file,"$HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA");
//$write = fwrite($file, $string);
// this variable returns false if this file can not be edited.
// parameter1 is the reference of the file, parameter2 is the string to write
if ($write) {
echo "<br>&result=success&</br>";
// use ambersand sign before the variable name and after the value for flash
// and note that whatever the type of value it will be a string in flash
} else {
echo "<br>&result=failure&</br>";
and the problem is, everytime i run the flash, and send the data , then browser will automatically open, and it always show
&result=failure, error[8] Undefined index:doc
and stage1.xml is blank…
all i want to do is the doc which traced everytime i press a key on keyboard (see script above) and saved to doc variable saved into an xml document…
please help me solve this problem cause im getting frustrated finding the solution