Need help understanding flashVars

I can read the flashVars in my document class without issue, BUT, I can’t seem to pass them to another class.

//Home is the Document class
//Below I’ve pasted it’s constructor function

public function Home() {

		var homeButtons:HomeButtons = new HomeButtons();
		homeButtons.fv = this.root.loaderInfo.parameters;
		realtors_btn = new RealtorsButton();
		buyers_btn = new BuyersButton();


//HomeButtons is the class I want to pass the flashVars to. It is also the base class for two movieclips in the main fla’s library, which are instantiated and added to the stage in the next lines. the homeButtons.fv is a getter / setter method. This is how I’m trying to pass the flashVars, but when I trace the homeButtons.fv object from HomeButtons, i get undefined.