Need help using google

I know this sounds weird. But I am doing a project and I am trying to look up some old fashioned advertisements (styles) like from the 1900’s (early like 1904). I have looked under many things but drawing blanks in search results. Anybody have any ideas. Or if the artworks back then had a particular style/name. It is late here and my brain is fried. So any help is cool with me.

What I need to see is some actual pictures of ads from back in that time era.

Have you tried

“1900’s advertising”


heres some i found. first one not really fashion, but you might be able to get to fashion from it.

advertising in 1900

i found some links, hope they help

Advertising - Pre-1900
at the end of the web’s silk road you find… Abacci Bazaar.
You Open the Chest Marked Advertising - Pre-1900. … - 24k - Cached - Similar pages

Add a Link for Advertising - Pre-1900
… you find… Abacci Bazaar. Add a Link for Advertising - Pre-1900. … below.
The address to link to for the Advertising - Pre-1900 page is: http … - 8k - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from ]

Johnson, Myron American Advertising 1800-1900
Johnson, Myron American Advertising 1800-1900. appears to be available
on Popula, your favorite spot for cool and hard-to-find merchandise. … American_Advertising%20_38170.htm - 4k - Cached - Similar pages

and so on…

thanks guys…yes I tried 1900’s advertising.

someone please mark this thread down into the history books…

DDD asked for help to use google (-:

-just messin with ya D

Couldn’t resist I’m afraid… :sure:

:ne: hahahahaha…I was having a bad day–long day. Seriously I was looking for some ad samples and I could not find any(-:

I had to have something for a client by today (which I made it) Did not go to sleep till like 4am.

I know it sounded crazy…but hey…I was sleep deprived:sleep:

hey PR: See I was getting results like yours with only like 2 pages and it was not old ads from the 1900’s

I couldn’t agree more!

wait what was the point of the second “book”?

lol kid :stuck_out_tongue:

frontpage? I strike thee! Hey Soulman the Ebay link is right on the money thanks man…I know those links are going to help someone else too.

I had the balls to ask a question that mosts wont ask…Dont act like ya’ll aint never had problems finding stuff on google cause you could not think of a good search criteria. :beam:

hmm… did you try eBay? you never know, someone might be just selling em :slight_smile:

-he turns 16 and it all goes out the window

-problems with google! heart be still D! that’s almost blasphemous…

…so ok yeah I’ve searched through like 30 pages of results before…


have you ever considered dropping by a nearby fleamarket? there’s old magazines abound in those places usually…you may be able to get your hands on the real deal. just a thought.


Maybe you search for ‘art deco’ ( + advert )

Art Nouveau even …boy its getting late …

*Originally posted by DDD *
**frontpage? I strike thee! Hey Soulman the Ebay link is right on the money thanks man…I know those links are going to help someone else too.

I had the balls to ask a question that mosts wont ask…Dont act like ya’ll aint never had problems finding stuff on google cause you could not think of a good search criteria. :beam: **

no probs dude, glad i could help, A Late birthday present to you.
