So I’m trying to do something full screen very much like this site (ignore everything but the triangular corners & the center MC of the guy, & see how all 3 parts move seperate from eachother yet always full screen, & how the MC in the center resizes itself while the triangles stay static, which is what I’m trying to kinda duplicate)…
I’m capable in flash, but still a novice in many ways, especially dealing with code. I’m still using AS2 here, I just use basics when I need to or use code from a tutorial when need be.
I’ve kinda duplicated this effect so far, but not quite. I used 3 external swf’s for my triangles & background & have them import into the main file. Not sure that I needed to do this, but to me it made sense since the 3 parts move seperate from eachother. It may show that I have no formal flash training, but I’ve spend all day toying around with this. Usually I can figure stuff out but with this I’m stuck.
My files are too big too attach here, I’ll get the site live later & provide a link to my “rough start”. I do have 3 parts that move seperate, but I can’t figure out how to make my background image scale full screen behind the triangles in the corners (right now its all wacky & moves around but doesn’t scale). I put this code on both the lower right triangle & background image just to get the basic effect very roughly working (I don’t even really understand it but it at least helped anchor my right triangle to the far right)…
*// **Stage aligned top left
Stage.align = “TL”;
// *** Stop the stage from scaling with the browser window.
Stage.scaleMode = “Scale”;
stop ();
// initiate postitions and scaling values for objects
contain3._x = Stage.width - contain3._width
// end initial position setting
*//create a listner that checks to see if the browser window is resized
sizeListener = new Object();
sizeListener.onResize = function() {
// change movieclip properties when the window is resized.
contain3._x = Stage.width - contain3._width
Also my lower right triangle I’ve only been able to anchor to the far right side of the browser, can’t get it to stick to the far right/bottom corner like it does on the kiluka site. But right now its a moot point since I can’t get the image to stretch to that corner either.
I was hoping this whole thing might be easier than I think it is, but I’m just overlooking some basic stuff. For whatever reason I’m struggling with it though. Well, I never worked on anything full screen before, & especially nothing like this, so its all new to me.
Any suggestions or tutorials that could help me learn how to anchor my one swf to the corner of browser window at all times? Or show me how to make one MC full screen stretch at all times, while others don’t?
If I can just get something that works at least close to how the one does in that link, I’ll be all set. The goal is just full screen & corner triangles covering up more or less of the background image depending on screen/browser size.