Need help with an infinite menu!

I need help with this infinite menu, I’ve done them before but this one I’m having trouble with. Check out the .fla file… please help!
>> Kev

Did you check the infinite tutorial on the website :q:

Of course I did! The tutorial is great, I have made several infinite menus by following it. But for some reason, this one will not work… So if you can take a look at the code and help me out, go for it!
>> Kev

just delete the code you have atached to movie inside clip “wholeMovie”. The code is O.K. :slight_smile:

man, i dunno what you mean… whol_menu is the only symbol with code attached, if I delete it the symbol will have no action?
thanks for the help though…
>> Kev

Your “whole_menu” movie clip is made of two simbols -movie clips with name “menu_bar”. Each has the same code attached. Hope you found it. Otherwise, here is your modified fla file…

Sorry, my mistake! =)

hey thanx alot, rookie mistake :slight_smile:
>> Kev