Need help with an xml radio file and path settings when loading into a seperate movie

hi. i am modifying the radio script found at

i customized my own version and the one at onclipevent works fine. but i am loading my radio into an empty movie clip in another movie and its not working. the radio knobs work, but the music doesnt load. im guessing i have to put _root.blah blah blah somewhere in the code to make it work.

right now i have a movie, test.swf, that has an empty movie clip named “radio” test.swf loads radionew.swf (the actual radio) into the “radio” empty movie clip. this is where things stop working. the radionew.swf works fine on its own, but not when i load it into test.swf. can someone look at the action script and tell me what ive done wrong? ive included all the files and directory structure in a zip file at: (711kb)

the empty movie clip that loads the music into the “music” empty movie clip in radio.swf is at frame 20 of the music layer.

any help would be appreciated!



here is the action script for the radio.

fscommand (“allowscale”, “false”);
//check version for flash 4 player or lower
version = getVersion();
if (substring(version, 1, 3) == “WIN” || substring(version, 1, 3) == “MAC”){
majorVersion = int(substring(version, 5,1));
}else if (substring(version, 1, 3) == “UNI”){
//for unix or linux versions
majorVersion = int(substring(version, 6,1));
//trace (majorVersion);
if (majorVersion < 5){
//trace (“lowly”);
getURL(“”, “_blank”);

// Movieclip Class Extensions //
// rotate the knob
Movieclip.prototype.rotate = function () {
var point = {x:this._x, y:this._y}
//Distance between Reg Point and Mouse
var deltaX = _root._xmouse - point.x;
var deltaY = _root._ymouse - point.y;
//Calculate Rotation Angle using atan2()
var myRotationRad = Math.atan2(deltaY, deltaX);
// convert radians to degrees
var myRotationDeg = 180 * myRotationRad/Math.PI;
// set rotation
//trace (myRotationDeg);
//do not allow the knob to turn from final position straight to init position or vice versa
if (myRotationDeg < 20 && this._rotation >20 && this._rotation < 170){
//do nothing
}else if (myRotationDeg > 0 && this._rotation <0 && this._rotation > -170){
//do nothing
this._rotation = myRotationDeg;

// get the load status of a movieclip
Movieclip.prototype.getPercentLoaded = function(){
var totalBytes = this.getBytesTotal();
var bytesLoaded = this.getBytesLoaded();
var percentLoaded = bytesLoaded/totalBytes100;
return percentLoaded;
// get the playhead position of a movieClip in percent value
Movieclip.prototype.getPercentPlayed = function(){
var totalFrames = this._totalframes;
var framesPlayed = this._currentframe;
if (totalFrames && totalFrames !=0){
var percentPlayed = framesPlayed/totalFrames
return percentPlayed;
// functions //
//set global sound volume
//max vol is 180
//init sound object
mySound = new Sound();
function setRadioVolume(value){
var maxVol = 180;
var minVol =0;
if (value < 0){
value += 360;
myVolume = maxVol - maxVol
mySound.setVolume (myVolume);

function getPlayList (url){
myPlayList = new XML();
//Branden’s XML Nitro ensures that the ignoreWhite Works on all versions of the plugin
myPlayList.ignoreWhite = true;
myPlayList.onLoad = makePlaylist;
function makePlayList(){
//Hardwired XML reader to read the XML playlist.
//First get the number of songs
songNos = myPlayList.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes.length;
//trace ("Number of songs = " +songNos);
//create playlist object
PlayList = {}; //new object created
PlayList.Songs = new Array(); //new array created in the songs object
//songlist is xml with only songs
songList = new XML();
songList = myPlayList.firstChild.firstChild;
mySong = songList.firstChild;
//trace (mySong);
//trace (songList);
for (var i=0; i<songNos; i++){
//PlayList.Songs* = “Song” + i;
PlayList.Songs[“name” + i] = mySong.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue;
PlayList.Songs[“src” + i] = mySong.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild.nodeValue;
PlayList.Songs[“artist” + i] = mySong.firstChild.nextSibling.nextSibling.firstChild.nodeValue;
mySong = mySong.nextSibling;
//trace (PlayList.Songs[“name” + i])
//trace (PlayList.Songs[“src” + i])
//trace (PlayList.Songs[“artist” + i])
function getNextFromList(){
if (playerCount >= (songNos-1) || playerCount eq “”){
//init playerCount
playerCount = 0;
playerCount +=1;
//trace (“gettingNext” + PlayList.Songs[“src0”]);
loadMovie(PlayList.Songs[“src”+playerCount], “music”);
// distribute the songs over the available channels
function setFrequency(value){
var maxSongs = songNos;
var minSongs =0;
if (value < 0){
value += 360;
mySong = int(maxSongs - maxSongs* value/360);
//if the song frequeny is different get new song
if (playerCount != mySong){
playerCount = mySong-1;
//trace (mySong);
//play static during tuning
function getStatic(){
static = new Sound();
rnd = random(4)+1;
//trace (rnd)
// extras //
//Branden’s Killer XML parser
//For more info check
#include “”