Issue: A mouse_out is triggering when I don’t want it to!!
Overview: I’m creating a menu where buttons have a sub-menu that pops-up when you hover over the main buttons. The menu will eventually be populated by scanning labels in the timeline, and that seems to be working fine so far.
Everything works good enough except you can’t move your mouse up and down a popped-up sub-menu without the mouse_out function triggering.
The mouse_out listener seems to be applied to all individual sub-buttons when I’d like it to apply only to the parent MC container of each sub-menu.
Is there a problem with the way I’m assigning sub-buttons to container MC’s ?
I’ve explored using an array to store the MC’s as well, but still had the same listener issue.
Could someone look at my FLA? If you do a find for “PROBLEM”, that is a good place to start.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!