Need help with gradually attach MC from library

Hi there…

just need help with gradually attach mc one by one into stage then get bounce…
Ok what I have so far is I just attach the all the total mc simultaneously…so how’s to attach one by one then get bounce…

here’s the code…

springSpeed = .9;
springDamp = .6;
xscale = 120;
yscale = 120;
function bounce() {
    var diffX = this.targetScaleX-this._xscale;
    var diffY = this.targetScaleY-this._yscale;
    this.vx += diffX*springSpeed;
    this.vy += diffY*springSpeed;
    this.vx *= springDamp;
    this.vy *= springDamp;
    this._xscale += this.vx;
    this._yscale += this.vy;
    if (Math.abs(diffX)<1 && Math.abs(diffY)<1 && Math.abs(this.vx)<.1) {
        delete this.onEnterFrame;

MovieClip.prototype.getBounce = function(xscale, yscale) {
    this.vx = 0;
    this.vy = 0;
    this.targetScaleX = xscale;
    this.targetScaleY = yscale;
    this.onEnterFrame = bounce;

nrTotal = 5;
for(var i=0;i<nrTotal;i++){
    var theBox = _root.attachMovie("box","boxx"+i,99+i);
    theBox._x = 50;
    theBox._y = 50+i*(theBox._width+20);
    theBox.getBounce(xscale, yscale);
