I have been working with flash for about 2 months and i have now almost finishd my first flash site http://www.kudos.se.
My problem is that its lagging as he**.
Im sitting on a amd 2000+ computer with 512 mb ddram and its lagging.
The weird thing is that its only lagging when i play it in a html file and not when i play it in swf format on my harddrive (or at least not that much)?
I want to on some way optimize it so that it dont lag anything on my computer and also runs smoothly on computer with not as good cpu and memory as mine.
The most annouing is that the top image lags in html format (when i play it in internet explorer) but not in swf format from my hd.
Cant have it like this.
Some info about the site then.
Im using many masks and also many objects with the alpha effect.
there isnt really that much advanced stuff on it.
Im animating in 60 fps and that may be the problem. But i think it should do okay because its not really so advanced.
The page is up at http://www.kudos.se.
plz help me with tips on how to stop that dam* lag because its driving me nuts.
Thanks in advance
Johan Aronsson