Need help with loading swf's into a photo gallery!

Im trying to create a photo gallery site with lots of menus/images using thumbnails and rollovers.
I havn’t placed anything onto the stage as it is all called from Action Script.
My thumbnails are loaded as external jpegs from an array. So these are all on different depths. These thumbnails then load external swf’s with buttons and images (also called from an array) and cover the whole stage. This is part of the script:


BUt when a new swf loads, you can still detect the rollovers and buttons from the swf underneath! And it all becomes a bg mess :diss:
I have tried putting all the external swf’s (galleries) into the same empty container, but the thumbnails are still detectable as they are on different depths!

How do you create a flash gallery with swf’s that lay fully on top of each other without the movie underneath being detectable?
I have experimented with the depth, the array and variable names, and nothing makes a difference!
Can anybody help?