Hi all,
I am just starting with flash so please bear with me if the problem seems too silly to be discussed here.
I am trying to make a flash ui for displaying interactive chess problems. The way I am going about it is creating the 64 boxes - named in a array like order (b11,b12β¦b21β¦) - I have a grayish rollover for all of them and a bright one for the event of mouse release on the boxes.
What I want to do is reset all the other movie clips to the frame 1 when a new square is selected. What I have right now is that once you click on a square, it remains in the bright coloured state. I tried to do that via a βforβ loop but so far it is not working out the way I want. The loop goes something like:
on (release) {
pos.i = (row number), pos.j = (column number);
for (var i=1;(i<=8);i++) {
for (var j=1; (j<=8);j++) {
if ((i!=pos.i)&&(j!=pos.j)) {
It randomly resets some clips but why it does that is something that totally eludes me. I also tried using a single number variable in the square names and the control code instead of the β+i+jβ thing, in case it was not the right way to go about it but that too gives the same result.
Will really appreciate if any of you experienced people out there can throw out some pointers my way.
Thanks a lot.