Need help with scrolling menu

how do i create a menu bar where the images (which are the buttons) move from right to left across the screen; and their speed is dependant on the users mouse?



i have the same problem.
i saw a graet menu at
when i done this i used this script, but didn’t work how it suppose! PLS help!

onClipEvent (load) {
inertia = 0.6;
k = 0.1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x = -this._x+_root._xmouse;
xp = xpinertia+xk;
_x += xp;

Take a look at the infinite menu tutorial :slight_smile:

Thanks, but that was not were i’m looking for. Maybe mavis was.

When you have a look at you know what i mean.

But thanks anyway.
greetz dana