Need help with sound

How do you make music play continuously through various scenes?

I’ll try and explain it better.

Example. I have scene 1, 2, and 3. On scene 1, there is a button that links to scene 2 and 3. I want to put in some music for these particular scenes. But if I drop the looped mp3 into scene 1, it will play in scene 1, but the minute you click on the button that takes you to scene 2 or 3, the music stops/and or halts. I don’t want the music to stop and just keep going for the 3 scenes. Does this make sense. If you anyone doesn’t understand, let me know and i’ll try to explain again. Thanks.

Any suggestions, ideas, tips?

You take and import the sound and put it at the starting frame and the just put it on loop x amount of times:rd:

Pv_37, thanks for the info. But I know that already. And if i did do that the user would hear the song for x amount of times. I forgot to mention that, I want the song to only play in scene 1, 2, and 3. That I also have a scene 4 which the user can get by way of scene 1. I need the music to stop as soon as the user gets to scene 4.

lah blah blah

kkkkk, I’m warning you now, stop posting nonsense or else you’ll get banned! :angry:

kkkkk, i don’t appreciate the jibberish. Hasn’t your mother ever told you, if you dont’ have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

Electrongeek, thanks for telling kkkkk what will happen to him if he continues his jibberish.

Place this snippet at the start of the scenes where you want sound i.e. 1, 2 and 3 in your case. [If you can hop from scene 4 to scene 3 or scene 2 then you’ll need to place it in scene 2 and scene 3, otherwise you can just place it in scene 1]

if (!looped_sound) {
looped_sound=new Sound()

and this snippet at the start of the scenes where you don’t want sound

if (looped_sound) {
looped_sound = null;

You’ll need to create a linkage for your soundfile with the identifier “loop” (right click in the library and choose linkage) or edit the AS to suit your purpose.

Thanks alot jsk!