Need help with the button

aii everyone…i really got no idea… i just have a fla resize swf …which is I got from scotty and working very well…but the problem is when I resize the swf…the button is stick there…So what i want is the button also move with the container…

so u guy’s can check the zip file I attached… ;(

so help me guy’s any idea…

Scotty where are u sir ? he…he…

You’re talking about the buttonrow at the bottom?


yes…the button at the bottom…

I do make a whole button as one movie clip

but the button didn’t work then…

so i really need ur help sir…

thank u…

You were close=)
I’ve put all buttons and animation mc’s in a new mc with the instancename “nav” and putted the code for the buttons in that mc.
Further changed the path in your buttons to _root.container (I did this only for the first button).
The rest of the code you did your self, I only skipped the code for nav._x, you don’t need that;)


wow it’s work!!..thank’s a lot scotty…u 're really help me…

always the best for u sir…

no problem:thumb: