Need help with very small job


I recently purchased a new template for my website. The header of the page has a flash item on it. It contains all the buttons to different parts of the website. I do not know how to use Falsh MX. I am looking for someone to change the titles of three of the buttons. I can’t see this taking more than a couple minutes to do, at least I think so. I am willing to pay for help. I am open to any offers. I would like to get this done a.s.a.p.


can I see the fla? I might see what I can do

but this doesn’t derve money if you already have it made and just need it edited

I hope I attached the file right. As you can see the 3 buttons in question keep flashing. All I tried to do was change the titles. You can email me at [email protected] if it would be easier for you

Apparently the file is to big for me to attach. Not sure how I can show it to you then.

Upload it to your server (or if you haven’t got a server) and place a link to it here.

btw, I also sent you an email

I can deff help you out. Have you found a way to upload it, or can you send it in a mail too: [email protected]

already done, sorry :wink:

unless he had a problem with the files I sent him, he didn’t reply with much

If you just bought a template you might not want to stick those source files up in public…

Hey Guys,

I’m working for Cole now, and he’s just the best. Realiable, flexible and a nice person.
