Need Help with Viewing Flash File On-line

Ok, Here’s the thing.

This is my 1st Flash Project, I’ve created my art portfolio and would like to get it viewed on-line.
I made sure all my files are lower case, have no spaces, and are all in one folder on my computer.
What am I doing Wrong?..Please help.

I, myself am able to view my flash project in either swf(Flash) or html(the Web) on my computer.
But I’ve sent my link to others to view, and they all have problems seeing it.
(I even set my linked file to my own e-mail, so that I can see if it works, and it won’t.)

Here’s my link to both Flash and HTML Documents:




Am I writing the link the wrong way?

(Actually when I click on a Flash File to view, on my computer…I see the link written this way:
…I change the slashes around. But I’ve sent it this way too.)

I hope I explained my problem, correctly.
If you need more information, let me know
If you prefer, you can e-mail me direct with a solution to:

Can anyone please help.
Thank you for taking the time.

u wanna view them online? get a host. if u wanna free host go to geocities or something and upload them. :smiley: i hope thst wat u wanted

Thank you very much.
That was the answer I was looking for.

no problem, glad to help out :smiley: