Problem solved!
I made a very odd mistake and told the movieclip that I’ll be loading the jpeg into to play(); when the jpeg finishes loading.
I changed it to tell the jpeg preloader/transition to play instead, works great.
I’m using Flash 8, but can publish the site as a lower version.
This is probably an old topic, but I’ve got limited time left to find the answer for this.
I’m building a 22 page portfolio website.
I’m stuck on preloading externally loaded jpegs, haven’t had to do it before.
There is a barely visible movieclip thats over all the other content, When you click on an invisible button thats covering one of the small pictures in the site, it tells changes the variable _root.loadedpicture to image1.jpg then the barely visible movieclip comes down, and then makes a small intro as it grows into a picture viewer box.
Once the intro is done, I need a preloader to appear (can say loading, or have text percent, or preloader bar)
Once _root.loadedpicture is fully loaded I need it to appear into a movieclip thats currently blocked, once the movie sees that _root.loadedpicture is fully loaded the movieclip blocking the now loaded jpeg will play its animation of uncovering the jpeg, and allow you to view it.
I was using this tutorial:
But when I tried to bring in the code from it and apply it to my Flash site, it seems that I messed up somewhere, because it stops at the preloader, and refuses to advance from there, hard to tell if the jpeg even loads because the movieclip blocking the area where the jpeg loads also contains the preloader.
I’m wondering if anyone knows of a simple® tutorial for doing this kind of thing, or if anyone has suggestions.
Most of the site is finsihed, I just need to get the preloader for the images working so I can throw invisible buttons on top of the rest of the smaller images.
Thanks for taking the time to at least read this.
While waiting for a reply, I’ll be going through the code to figure out where i screwed up.