i have some problem regarding the use of dynamic text, whenever i view them in different pc using diff. resolutions (e.g. 800x 600or 1024x768). those text that has dynamic format changes the way it looks in diff resolutions. i am used at using a scrollbar** that use only either dynamic text or input text.
** - basic scrollbar that uses only the textfield.scroll = textfield.scroll + 1
Actually, I’m getting the same problem too. I thought kirupas tutorial would help for all resolutions. I use a dynamic text + arial + size 8 or 10 + multiline. It looks freakin awesome on 800 x 600 resolution (which is what I have), but then, when I view it on my bros resolution (1400 x 1050), it looks nasty. The text gets all dirty again. I mean, when I make my site, I’m not gonna let people hit maximize, unless I use static text. Thats what I’m thinking about doing tho…any ideas how to have dynamic text look good on other resolutions? 1 thing I hate about flash is the text problems. If you have a text, and someone else doesnt, and they view one of your movies, the text that you have is likely to change to some wierd text that they have…