Need ideas for a logo

This is for a company I’ve worked for a few years.
They are called Formast. They do have a logo.
It’s the forward mast of a ship, complete with that bucket on top and the banner.

It’s in an oval shape tilted to a side.
Painted in a dark green which I believe resembles #66cc00 or #99cc00 .

They have the logo on a word document, so it doesn’t count.

I think they deserve a logo, and since they are frineds I’d like to make it happen.

I’m not asking you to make it, but if you have some ideas where I could turn to for help…

They sell industrial equipment. You know… For factories…
Anything from a mop to an air compressor, ranging threw thermographic imagery to air networks and they’ll sell you the parts.
They just have this weird name. (-:

I’ve thought of the F and trying something with it, but it doesn’t feel like a logo. If you think of anything I could use to make a logo, just say it.

Thanks for all the help!