Need ,ore help on this code


For example:

You have a button and a movieclip.

When I press the button I want my movieclip to play.

My Question is, when I press the button how do I get the movieclip on the stage to play? Note: I have already put the following action script in the button.

on (press) {

What do I do now to get the moveclip to play on the stage and at a location I desire?

How u doing,

First u re movie should be insert on a keyframe, and u have to use this code if u wanna call a movie.

on (press){
tellTarget(_root.your movie’s target)
gotoAndPlay(u re frame number)

And don t forget to give u re movie a target name on u re properties. Hope It helps.

Hi there!

Kevin, can you tell me what is the instance name of your movieclip, and were it is located form the root of your movie?

Even better can you post your fla here?

in the meantime you can try this:

[SIZE=1]code for the button:[/SIZE]

on (press){;

that, if your movie clip is in the main stage, and replace the movieclipInstanceName part with the real instance name of your movie clip.

Cheers :slight_smile: