Need PHP/MySQL programmer

Yesterday I posted a topic here which I spent about 10-15 minutes writing but long story short it didn’t post so this time I’m not going to spend much time on the topic. :wink:

Basically I am a VERY busy person and I took a project on and don’t have enough time to finish it. I would love if someone would be willing to do it for free or in exchange for advertising but if not then I can pay you. (not that much however)

Here are the details:

  • Car site like
  • User can add, edit (only certain fields like “color”, etc.) or delete there own add
  • A control panel (only one user) where you can verify ads, delete ads and enable the pay pal thing (explained below)
  • Basically the pay pal thing is…well he wants to be able to, at any time (easily) set an option so adding an ad is free but if off it costs. What I would recommend doing is just having a field in the MySQL table called “ver”. If the pay pal thing is turned off (packages cost) then it adds the number “1” and it wont show up and then the admin can verify an ad and it will change the “1” to a “0”. Just the easiest way to do it IMO.
  • Search for a car

You can contact me on AIM (chuckisdabomb200), MSN (, YIM (, E-mail (, PM of course or lastly, ICQ (274659428). If I am away leave a message and I will get back to you. Thanks.