Hello all. this is a small sample of a layout I am doing for an online community/magazine/newsletter. It is basically a church organization but they said they dont want the typical church look and typical church imagery and they are geared towards a younger crowd. Let me know your opinions about ths color scheme would ya? give me the good bad and the ugly.
eh…heres the llink
oh yeah igonore they grey area…I am working on that now
i liked it a lot!!!
The layout works well in 800x600 and in higher resolutions. The deep yellow jumps out a bit, but that will be toned down some with some content over the top of it. If you’re aiming at a younger audience then the small type font is probably OK, it’s just us older pharts that have problems with it.
where’s the link?
With my color scheme, it was just black, so Kept looking for it, and couldn’t find it
yeah they wanted the side area to jump out but I still may tone it down a bunch. I tried to make it fit for everyone even the real high res. I am going to go ahead and fill in the top. With then nav and stuff. But thanks for the critique. Wanted to get opinions on the colors…give me more…
i like it alot too, but i dont see where the yellow fits in with the color scheme.
yeah the yellow is alil premature but the header and nav were going to make more sense of whatever color I place in that area. Thanks replode
I am neutral. other than reversed text is extremely diff to read, but the chances are that since this is geared toward a younger audience, they won’t be expecting many visitors willing to read anything…
actually it is a online mag so if it is hard to read I need to make some adustments,… Hey rev is it the size or the contrast?
kinda both. the size is small, but if the reveresed text is for a decent amount of text, the contrast will be hard on the eyes as well. You might want to enlarge it just a bit… that could be a happy medium (young eyes are used to seeing white text on black bg with all of the adult sites they visit )
yeah I planned on upping the cs to 11px; it is at 10 now
I’d have to see more of what else is on the page as well…