Need some help with an intro for a site

…I made an intro for a web site i am working on and i need some help with a few things - i just started using Flash VERY recently so you may have to describe some things in detail for me…

  • when i test my movie, it keeps replaying itself. How do i get it to stop at its end?

  • i am trying to make a “skip intro” button that will get the viewer directly to the website. I cant seem to get this to work - can you explain how to do this?

Thank you for any help you can offer!

OK i figured out how to get it to stop - can you give any advice on the “skip intro” button?


yah, just make a button (well covert it to a button), and then go to the actions bar and put the code:

on (release) {
_root.gotoAndPlay (123)

Where 123 is your frame number. If it is in a different scene, then do:

_root.gotoAndPlay (“scene_name”, 1)

Actually, i need a button that gets me to a web site i made in dreamweaver; not a different Flash scene. So I guess what i need to know is how do i make a button that gets the viewer to a URL?

try this

on (release) {
	getURL("", "_self");

the self is to make the page thats being linked to open in the same window if not change it to “_blank”

I tried that, but that skips the intro without even pressing the button.

I want a button in the corner of my intro that says “skip intro”, then when the viewer clicks on it, it goes to the URL of my website. Anyone?

post ur fla file mang, post ur fla