Need some ideas, help (inspiration) please

I have a job to create a website for an arcarde / family entertainment center.

I am totaly lost with this one, they have 2 locations and there general age group is 7-16 years old

the client wants flash…

If anyone has any general ideas i could work off of or maybe some inspirational sites that would be great.



c’mon now, no offense but you call yourself a webdesigner? if you can’t think of anything when thinking of an arcade/family entertainment center i guess you’re just not cut out for the job… just thinking of the word arcade alone gives me several ideas…

i think you could make the layout like a screen, and have the navigation work with a joystick of some kind, like have the joystick work when you mouse over it. have fun with it since its for kids and all.

Well i guess off the bat i shouldn’t have said I have no ideas, just said i was looking for more… no need to be hostile and say im not cut out for the job.

Just wanted to see if anyone else had any sites that they new of or whatnot.

I was thinking about makeing a game room with all of the different games and attraction and when you hover over each it would animate and if you clicked bring you to a different section…

I was just trying to figure out which animation should corralate with each section…

Soulty thanks for that idea…

sorry, wasn’t meant to be hostile, i thought you had no ideas at all, if my words offended you, i apologize, wasn’t meant to offend you in any way

ok everyone, give each other a hug .:love: …hehe
what other ideas did you come up with betoranaldi? any concepts drawn down?

The client really likes the idea of the site being inside one of the centers with different things within this room animated on the mouse over each going to different areas… I do have some sketches, but nothing final so to speak.

I’m just trying to figure out how to correlate each area to a game or attraction…

There are a total of 5 sections, location 1, location 2, contact information, event calendar, and an online game area.

What Soulty said about the arcade game would be great for the online game area, but I am trying to figure out how to correlate each of the others… I was thinking that each locations biggest attraction could be their area in the “room”.

And that is were I am at currently, I just wanted to see what other sites in this similar genre have done.

My original was post should definitely have been clearer… it was early in the morning and I had just woken up, so I guess I wasn’t awake as I thought I was.

One site that the client pointed me to was which is how they wanted theirs site modeled after.

RuffRyder… No offence taken, like I said in my post above I had just woken up and definetly should have worded my post better.

Didnt want to offend you either with that post. No Harm No Foul, Its all good :thumb:

ok then, problem solved ;):smiley: