Hey all,
Again, I ran into trouble making tetris. Please take a look at the swf attached. None of the controls work yet - press the blue button to start/pause.
Take a look at it, and you’ll see that some blocks go through others (which isn’t supposed to happen). The blocks are managed into arrays of “yes” or “no”. If the blocks below the current moving tetris block are “no”, then that current tetris block will continue moving down. If “yes”, it will become purple and initiate a new tetris block.
Now, please feel free to browse through the fla to see the structure. Test the movie in Flash and look at the check “yes” or “no” process with the traced commands.
Something is seriously wrong, and I don’t know what. There seems to be a pattern of the blocks that go through others, but I can’t find it out. (the swf may need to be run 2 or 3 times before a bug appears).
Thanks for your time! =)