Hey! First of all, sorry for my somewhat bad english :-).
Im making a flash/air game for android devices, and im soon in the stage of needing graphics. The game will be released free of charge, and if it all goes well i will extend the game with more units, tiles et c and will need more graphics!
Its a 2-d WWII stratigic, tiled based.
So far there are 3 types of units(riflemen,machinegun,sniper) for 2 teams (Allies and Axis) and there are 3 types of tiles: road,water,wall.
I want the game to be Retro-style (pixelish) and you will allso need to be in charge of UI buttons et c.
Think you can handle it? =)
Reply or mail me at gamemaul@gmail.com with some example work, prefered something like 2d-retro-wwii-rifleman!