I am currently looking for staff to join me in making a new virtual pet site called Racoopets!
I am in need of all the basic kind of staff to come help me, I currently have a temporary forums and I am developing the sites pages and [COLOR=blue][FONT=verdana,geneva,lucida,"][FONT=verdana,geneva,lucida,"]working[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR] on scripting and colors.
The Staff I am currently looking for are:
[COLOR=blue][FONT=verdana,geneva,lucida,"][FONT=verdana,geneva,lucida,"]Artists[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR](of any sort)
And pretty much every other kind of staff.
Staff will have to be dedicated willing and you may even learn something new!
I can not offer you pay because we will be a non profit site, but I am more than happy to give you features to make you feel more special.
If you don’t wish to be staff but are able to come and help us out with even a couple of items or pets or free scripts that would be more than appreciated, thanks for [COLOR=blue][FONT=verdana,geneva,lucida,"][FONT=verdana,geneva,lucida,"]reading[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR] if you are intrested please PM me or reply back to this post thanks!
Best Regards,
P.S. The temp forums are here: