Need this rotation effect with blur

I’ve seen this example of flash 8 animation and want to use this technique:

However, I can’t seem to find a (simple) tutorial on it. I’ve managed to get the code of this movie, but the depth of view isn’t right. (Probably because the SWF Decompiler version can’t create Flash 8 .fla’s.)

Anyway, this is the code I got from it:

 function orbit()
	var _l2 = Math.sin(this.angle * 3.141593 / 180) * this.radius + this.zcenter;
	blur.blurX = _l2 / 8;
	blur.blurY = _l2 / 8;
	this.filters = [blur];
	var _l3 = this.fl / (this.fl + _l2);
	var _l4 = Math.cos(this.angle * 3.141593 / 180) * this.radius;
	this._x = _l4 * _l3 + this.xcenter;
	this._y = this.y * _l3 + this.ycenter;
	this._xscale = this._yscale = _l3 * 100;
	this.angle = this.angle + this.speed;
	if (this.angle > 359)
		this.angle = this.angle - 360;
	} // end if
} // End of the function
var blur = new flash.filters.BlurFilter();
var blur = new flash.filters.BlurFilter();
var i = 0;
while (i < 2)
	var ball = this["ball" + i];
	ball.y = 10;
	ball.speed = 5;
	ball.radius = 100;
	ball.xcenter = 250;
	ball.ycenter = 150;
	ball.zcenter = 100;
	i < 1 ? (ball.angle = 0, ball.angle = 0) : (ball.angle = 180);
	i < 1 ? (ball.filters = [blur0], ball.filters = [blur0]) : (ball.filters = [blur1]);
	ball.fl = 200;
	ball.onEnterFrame = orbit;
} // end while

But the blurring of that piece of code doesn’t work.
Does anyone have the correct code for this/these movie(s)?
A tutorial would be even better!

Thanks in advance!