Need to remove "\n" from string

I’m bringing in data from .csv file as a string and then slicing it up into and array so I can apply the values to some text fields.

For whatever reason it is starting and ending the string with
which as we know is the new line character in as3, I would like to remove these from the string but I’m not really sure what the code is to target them.

So far I have figured out the code to remove the instances I was getting of double double quotes by doing this: (this is written in Flex btw)

var strResult:String = e.result as String;
strResult = strResult.replace(/\u0022+/g, "");

var trimmedStr:Array = strResult.split(",");

Now I’m not all that sure what all the regular expression stuff stands for but I know the u0022 means a doubel quote because I had to look it up in a unicode table.

Can any one help me out here in removing
from my strings please. I’m finding regular expressions pretty tricky to figure out!
