I’ve been fooling with this problem since AS2.0 (and shared Objects) and I’m not much closer to solving it, partly because every article I read on it is focused on php and server-side stuff that doesn’t apply.
What I do know: how to load a String Array from a txt file in local user space (the folder from which the .swf is run).
What I need to know: the easiest way for the user to save/load a file. The file has to contain Objects and Arrays reflecting his current status in the game.
The goal is to avoid non-Flash apps and languages, and external Classes if possible (I do everything right in the main fla). I don’t mind that the user has to initiate and approve the upload/download.
If anyone could tell me where to start/which methods to look into, and even what terminology to use when searching for answers, I would be very appreciative!!