Need urgent help- email submission


I have this contact email box, which works fine if its running as a movie on its own, but as soon as I load it into another movie and try to use it from there it just wont send through. Any ideas I really need help on this one!

the whole code is… (also fla attatched)


/* For this tutorial this variable will hold which server-side file you wish to use.
   For ASP, set serverLang = "asp", for PHP, set serverLang = "php"
   And for Perl, set serverlang = "cgi"
   This is for this tutorial. In your application this feature wont be required.
var serverLang:String = "asp";

//Create a loadvars object named email_lv
var email_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();

//this function is called when email_lv loads the server-side script.
email_lv.onLoad = function(success) {
    //If the script was successfully loaded, this condition is run
    if (success) {
        /* Though the server-side script was loaded, it does not mean it was 
            executed successfully. This condition gets a response from the
            server-side script and determines if it was truly successful. */
        if (email_lv.server_mes == "ok") {
            status_txt.text = "Email Sent";
            /* You can add additional code here. This is only run
               if everything went as planned. */
    } else {
        //email failed to send, but script did load. Likely a server issue.
        status_txt.text = "Email Failed";

/*This is the onRelease function for "submit_btn" button. This is only run
  if the button was pressed. */
submit_btn.onRelease = function() {
    /* Here we are validating the data. This insures the email address contains
       both the "@" and ".", If not, it stops the script and alerts the user. */
    if (!email_txt.length || email_txt.indexOf("@") == -1 || email_txt.indexOf(".") == -1) {
        status_txt.text = "Invalid Email.";
    //This validates the subject line contains text
    } else if (!subject_txt.length) {
        status_txt.text = "Missing Subject";
    //This validates the message body contains text    
    } else if (!message_txt.length) {
        status_txt.text = "Missing Message";
    //If everything is filled out correctly, this is run.    
    } else {
        //Collects the data from the text boxes and gives it to email_lv
        email_lv.email_txt = email_txt.text;
        email_lv.subject_txt = subject_txt.text;
        email_lv.message_txt = message_txt.text;
        /* Finally, send the data to the server and get a response. 
           As mentioned above, serverlang holds the file extendion for
           the server side language. You can hard code the complete file name. */
        email_lv.sendAndLoad("SendMail."+serverLang, email_lv, "POST");