Need URGENT HELP with Complex Buttons

Hi all I haven’t posted in here for a while but I’m getting to the stage where I really need to solve this problem. Please check the original thread here:

(or just check this link to see the original .swf

Here it is again for those of you that maybe didn’t understand my first description:

I’m having problems with complex buttons which have rollOver & rollOut animations and also have other buttons contained within them. The tutorial I used to create these buttons is the CBT cafe tutorial of flyout menus to create these buttons you can check it out here -

My first post dealt with rollOver drop down menus and the problem was that if you roll over the buttons quickly from one to the other both rollOver animations play at the same time without triggering either rollOut animations. Salvador Marley made some suggestions and I tried them out but I was still having the same problem so I thought of something; put an extra invisible button (which I call a stasis button) above the menu & original invisible button with a simple actionscript on it which reads like this:

on (rollOut) {
on (rollOver) {

now “over” stops at a certain frame where the actionscript of the stasis button changes to:

on (rollOut) {

so once you move off the button the rollOut animation is played.

At first I was so proud of my stasis button because it solved my problem of rollOver animations playing if you move over the button really quickly. With the stasis button in place, I could now move from one menu to the other as fast as I like or even move off the menu onto another position on the stage really fast and the rollOver animation would cancel without opening the menu. But my pride soon turned to more frustration as I realised that my drop downs no longer worked. They are outside the stasis button so rolling over them is like rolling out of the stasis button and this of course triggers the complex button’s rollOut animation.

I’ve included another example of a complex button which I am using. I have used the same method to create this button and it may seem to work fine, but my problem is that the stage 01,02 & 03 buttons only become active when the movie clip’s rollOver animation is completed i.e at the end of the “over” frame label. They are all coded with the script

on (rollOver) {

so that the rollOut animation of the movie clip doesn’t play when you’re on the three buttons.

I am also noticing another weird problem. If you move to one of the three buttons really fast, the movieclip rollOver animation does not play but the buttons are now clickable. This is weird because the buttons don’t exist until frame 40. I don’t understand how they can be clickable if the movie hasn’t reached the frame that they are located in…

My stasis button and these methods are just ways around a central issue, that moving the cursor from the movie clip to the area covered by the original invisible button does not work well enough. In theory once you rollOver the invisible button all animations should be cancelled…but in practice this doesn’t happen.

Thanks in advance for any advice/help/suggestions and if anyone could point me to a more advanced tutorial on how to create these types of buttons that would be really great.