Need your assistance

Hi guys.

I’ve been racking my brain with this one… I need a simple design, nothing fancy, and a little flash too.

So, I thought the easiest way would be to just make the whole shabang in flash (not too hard)…

Then, I came up with this baby below. But… now I thinnk the menu color is all horrible, and the sounds are just ghastly…


Any ideas fellas? :frowning:

btw, the splash screen is here, in case ya missed it in D&D… :slight_smile:

More info:

The thing in the top right corner is a show/hide menu thing.

And, the menu doesn’t work yet, this is just for show, so far…

And the text is a note to my cousin (we work together on it)…

Everything looks pretty good (especially the menu), except that huge textfield (and scrollbar). :beam:

well… I neew some space for the text :slight_smile:

only the text and scroolbar is visible anyways :stuck_out_tongue:

But thanks, I needed a little boost :smirk:

I like it, it’s simple and clean. I would probably work with the scrollbar though so it blends in more with your layout, but that menu is so cool. =)