Needs a Checkbox script for a contact form

Hi guys,

I am converting an html form to a flash form. I am not so good with AS3 and it’s the first time I have to create forms so it was quite difficult for me. I am almost done, I did the text fields and the comboboxes, so everything except the checkboxes works. I don’t find any specific tutorial that really explain me how to script it to work like the html form does. I am sure it’s quite simple for an advance AS3 user, so please help me with this. Please try to work with what I already did to be sure I can incorporate the new script with what I did.

Here’s the html code for the 5 checkboxes;

…<input type=“checkbox” name=“txtMessage” value=“Find Your Pace”>…
…<input type=“checkbox” name=“txtMessage” value=“Stress Escape”>…
…<input type=“checkbox” name=“txtMessage” value=“Time Revolution”>…
…<input type=“checkbox” name=“txtMessage” value=“Ultimate Connections”>…
…<input type=“checkbox” name=“txtMessage” value=“Contact Me About Life Coaching”>…

Here’s an example of how my flash form works;

var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
var varSend:URLRequest = new URLRequest(“website”);
var varLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader;
varSend.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = variables;

submit_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ValidateAndSend);

function ValidateAndSend (event:MouseEvent):void {

if(!txtfirst.length) {
status_txt.text = "* Please enter your first name";
} else {

variables.txtContactFirstName = txtfirst.text;


Thanks guys !