Nested Movieclip?

I thought this wouldn’t even be a problem but I’ve been struggling with it for 5 days and I’m running out of time. :expressionless:

I have a Movie Clip (textgeneralhome) within a Movie Clip (general_menuoptions). All I want is for textgeneralhome to Rollover and Rollout but nothing I’ve tried is working.

I would’ve thought it was simply stating general_menuoptions.textgeneralhome but obviously not.

general_menuoptions.textgeneralhome.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, rolloverhome);
general_menuoptions.textgeneralhome.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, rollouthome);   

function rolloverhome(event:MouseEvent):void {"onhome"); 

function rollouthome(event:MouseEvent):void {"offhome"); 

offhome and onhome are in the nested Movieclip

Absolutely any ideas and solutions welcomed, it’s actaully slowly imploding this shouldn’t even be a problem