here’s my problem… I want to learn and c# stuff as my dad’s friend told me to do, so that I can grauduate from php and go to a language that’s more advanced. But, I want to right both stand-alone applications (and compile with a free complier) and run .net applications with apache on a xp home machine.
Is this possible, I’ve been searching google for hours looking for a solution but so far I don’t think it’s possible
Dreamweaver can’t compile. It’s a Syntax highlighter.
There is a big differcene between C++, C and, C#
Don’t know much about ASP.
If you what to learn things free I would stay with just C or C++ and not and C# because thay are from M$. And we all know that M$ dosen’t do anything for free.
As for borland, don’t know much there neither
hm… I know there is a big difference between c languages, I think there is a relation between c# and .net though, but nobody has answered my main question, is there any module for apache 2.0.50 that will parse asp pages? if so does this also work with .net
Web Matrix is just a dev tool for - for windows forms apps Eclipse is a free one that might work for ya(I’ve never used it, I have Visual Studio 2003)
because I’m on xp home and host my site on it, I don’t want to use iis (and don’t think I can) so apache is pretty much the only option if I’m also going to use php and mysql and other stuff like that