|netbabyworld |+| elasticity|


I am trying to get my head around some physics. I have looked at several examples of elasticity and inertia but can’t understand it fully.

The effect i am tring to achieve is similar to one used on NETBABYWORLD. The interface for the game slides in and out of the screen for each section. I am trying to work out how to script an MC/MCs so it leaves the screen in the same way as the above example.

The object goes backwards slightly before shooting off screen with accelaration.

Any advice/code is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


look what you’ve done to me pat!

Hehe, welcome to kirupa Frank.

I have been trying to figure this out for a while as well with some limited success.

www.bit-101.com has some proper tuts on elasticity and springs.

give that a go as a start. Oh yeah if you figure it, let me know because i can never find time to learn about it.

Good luck with it,


Thanks kdzines,

Always like visiting Bit-101, however i’m still at a loss as to how to achieve this effect. I guess i should have paid more attention in physics lessons !

Any help, as ever, greatly appreciated.
