NetConnection and LocalConnection

I created a (q&a) trivia quiz game with two different swfs.
One swf is for the host to view and the other shows to the audience.

The game is built on the flash presentation slides and operates with left/right arrow keys.

Using LocalConnection I am able to make both swfs advance to the next slide with one press of the right arrow key.

I’m also using NetConnection/NetStream to display flv’s here and there in the game slides.

My question is, with all the use of LocalConnection and NetConnection, will that slow down my flash player at all? This game is just running locally on a machine and the flvs are local as well.

Any light shed on the subject is greatly appreciated. This is my first time using the two of these classes, so just want to make sure my movies are fully optimized.
Should I be closing connections or does that not matter?
