I upgraded to Netscape 7.01 and much to my surprise, after the upgrade some of my Flash 5 animations displayed as blank pages in NS 7.01 and Mozilla.
After comparing the animations that were still working to the ones that weren’t, I discovered the only difference was that the ones working specified absolute pixel values in the EMBED tag, and the movies specifying percent values no longer worked.
I decided to remove the Transitional doctype from files that were problematic:
!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “-// W3C//DTD HTML 4,0 Transitional//EN”
This worked. Netscape 7.01 and Mozilla now scale my Flash 5 animations to full window size again. Please note that Netscape 7.0 did not have any problem with the DOCTYPE and percent scaling. Mozilla also uses the Gecko engine, so…
Apparently this is a “bug” in Netscape although I’m sure they would prefer to think of it as adhering to browser standards. -
Ms. M.