NetStream.client && NetConnection.client

Hello Kirupians.

Question for curiosity as it is currently working as I want it to, but I don’t understand how I need to assign the client object to both the netstream & the netconnection to get my desired results… I’m making a video player in AS3 (actually a video player as part of a much larger Flash application). I’m not a fan of AS3 as things that should work simply don’t.

Here’s my code from the package:

public function playVideo():void
	var client:Object = new Object();
	client.onBWDone   = function(e){ trace(e); }
	client.onMetaData = doMetaData;
	client.onCuePoint = function(e){ trace(e); }

	var myVideo:Video = new Video;
	var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
	var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
	ns.addEventListener(AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR, asyncErrorEventHandler);
	ns.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);
	nc.client = client;
	ns.client = client;"");
public function doMetaData(infoObject:Object):void
	var key:String;
	for(key in infoObject){
		trace(key+": "+infoObject[key]);
public function netStatusHandler(evt:NetStatusEvent):void
		if( == "NetStream.Play.Stop"){
			trace("your movie has stopped");
public function asyncErrorEventHandler(event:AsyncErrorEvent):void
	//ignore - brillant.  Get a couple errors without this here.

I struggled for a while to get the metadata from the video that I’m pulling in… I was told that I could just use the nc.client to go back to the client object and have the onMetaData handler trace that out. But I never got any metadata - HOWEVER, the netStatusHandler will never read “NetStream.Play.Stop” unless I have that nc.client line in there - which I need to know when it stops.

Only one thing told me nc.client, all others were ns.client. When I simply changed it, I could see all my metadata from the function doMetaData - but then the “NetStream.Play.Stop” would not fire. I would still get the .Play.Start, .Buffer.Full, and .Buffer.Flush (which seems useless).

Only when I would put the two lines together (which makes no programming sense to me whatsoever:

nc.client = client;
ns.client = client;

will both things work correctly as it is now.
What gives?