I would like to create a tri dimensional Array, but i cant find the code for it. The only thing i can do is a simple array.
Exemple of what i want, obvisouly this doesnt work.
myarray = new Array(6)(6)(6)
myarray[1][1][1] = 1;
Is something like this possible with flash mx?
myArray = new Array(6)
myArray[0] = new Array(6)
myArray[0][0] = new Array(6)
myArray[0][0][0] = "myValue"
or something more like this:
myArray = new Array(6);
for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
myArray* = new Array(6);
for (n=0; n<6; n++) {
myArray*[n] = new Array(6);
// myArray[0][0][0] = "myValue";
// trace(myArray[0][0][0]);
Thanks a lot dude!.. i am soo sOOOo happy.
(-: -woj-