i think about replacing my current avatar, so ive done this one, id like to know what ya think before i upload it…
sweet…me like it
a bit hard to figure out…
you might want to add a bit more contrast between wall & floor…
looks RPG though… =)
will change it asap
will just take this one:
man pixel people are so cool…to bad I suck at it
*Originally posted by fishtank *
**i think about replacing my current avatar, so ive done this one, id like to know what ya think before i upload it… **
thats awsome!
boy i really like it!
it actually is the work of 10 mins (the wizzard not the room ). i drew it when i was really angry in order to calm down…
“If you piss me off…im gonna…im gonna… im gonna DRAW A PIXEL PERSON”…hahahaha nah that is very cool man…
no, not like this… more like, uhm, drawing off your frustration… or sth like that…
I like the little wizard!! :thumb: Reminds me of something…
I like it without the room :thumb:
- Soul :s:
well, it probably reminds you of this . but i did not copy it or sth else, its my own work…
:EDIT: site seems to be down right now, try this
Thats the one :thumb:
- Soul :s: