There is now a new battle forum where you can challenge other members in a competition to make the best flash, art, 3d, wallpaper or whatever theme is choosen! Each member will submit their work to be voted on by other forum members and a winner will be choosen by a final moderator vote. You can also ask for a collaberation between members, where a set amount of users will work on the same project. Well here is the link, check it out and get some battles/collabs going, I think this will be fun:
Stop spamming, Dan!
Kirupa told me to stick this post to all forums for a week until we bring more attention to the new Battle Forum, so please stop unsticking all my posts, it’s very agitating =)
??? I’m not unsticking your posts, Dan.
Well someone is, me and kirupa thought it was you because you were the only mod on! That stupid justin kid must be back trying to screw with the forum again, I hate that kid sooo much…I am going to dedicate an ‘anti’ page for him one day!
By the way pom, lost showed me that pixel text effect you made, its soooooooo sweet, I love it, you have gotten so good at scripting it’s just unbelievable, good luck in your designing future bro, you have what it takes to be the next robert piener or brandon hall!
Very kind, Dan :beam: And, well, I already told you you were my new hero when I saw those grunge pieces
Heh…whos this “kid” you speak about…sounds like someone bad…
yea, and how do you do that pixel explosion effect?
what mod is named justin? is it h88? or throphies?
Well it’s not Thoriphes for sure. And I thought h88’s first name started with an h. [SIZE=1]where’s Mulder when you need him…[/SIZE]
Ilyas, Goto Edit Thread option, and you can can see moderator notes on who unsticked this thread. :bad:
No one btw.
BTW, Who the hell is mulder?? =)
I think he means the FBI agent from the X-Files! Don’t tell me you don’t know Fox Mulder!!!